torsdag 9 april 2009

Big world, tiny man.

Delhi is a polluted and chaotic planet of it's own... One cannot understand how many Indians there actually are until you go here. I'm just trying to get along with the few I meet. I must say that despite the bad reputation concerning rip-offs and general hustling it's not that bad. Almost all Indians I meet are very polite and kind. I just very much feel a need to learn som Hindi to atleast get some of the fat rich white stink out.

I haven't done much of monument-seeing and the likes, mostly just taking walks and enjoying the news. Early morning is the best time, just at first light. Big eyed kids stare at the rather weird sight of a tall white man walking around while they are brushing their teeth. And ofcourse, sleeping through the monkey-ass midday heat. It is sort of like every day is two days, morning day end evening day.

But I think I have just about had enough of traffic and the enormous amounts of people, tomorrow evening I'm catching the night train to Ramnagar, to get to the tiger reserve... I can't even imagine how nice it will be with some peace and clean air. And wildlife!

Oh, and the food is great, absolutely fantastic, and extra bonus> no shitting my brains out. Yet.

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